Unleashing Agrochemical Production Potential: De-Bottlenecking an Existing Plant in India

Unleashing Agrochemical Production Potential: De-Bottlenecking an Existing Plant in India

We were thrilled to be a part of a groundbreaking project that involved the de-bottlenecking of an agrochemical plant located in India. The plant was all set to undergo a comprehensive revamp that could meet the demands of increased production output and enhanced efficiency. At TPES, we spearheaded this effort with International Technology provider and the expert on-site team.

The Project Scope:

Our primary objective was to conduct a thorough review of the existing process, meticulously identifying operational bottlenecks and challenges. This ambitious project encompassed a wide range of critical tasks, including:

In-Depth Process Review:

To address the plant’s production limitations, we undertook an exhaustive analysis of the current process. Our team of seasoned experts meticulously scrutinized every aspect of the operation, identifying bottlenecks, and formulating effective strategies to optimize the entire production workflow.

Equipment and Line Sizing Evaluation:

Efficient agrochemical production hinges on precise equipment and line sizing. We left no stone unturned in conducting a detailed evaluation of equipment and pipelines. This ensured their calibration aligned seamlessly with the required production levels, enabling enhanced efficiency.

Equipment Replacement and Resizing:

As part of the re-engineering efforts, we thoroughly assessed the performance and adequacy of existing equipment. Where necessary, we recommended the replacement or resizing of equipment, ensuring it was tailored to support elevated production targets.

Building Modifications for Seamless Integration:

Accommodating the proposed changes required intelligent modifications to the existing building. Our team of architects and engineers meticulously designed changes that optimized space utilization to facilitate the smooth integration of advanced infrastructure.

Expanding the Facility for Additional Equipment:

To unlock the plant’s full potential, we extended the existing building to accommodate additional equipment. This expansion was crucial in empowering the plant to meet the growing demands of agrochemical production.

Ensuring Uncompromised Process Safety:

Safety is paramount in any industrial setting. Thus, we conducted a comprehensive process safety review, including a meticulous Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP). This enabled us to identify potential hazards and implement robust safety measures to safeguard personnel, assets, and the environment.

Optimizing Utility Sizing:

Efficient utility management was vital for the success of the revamped plant. Our team was dedicated to analyzing utility requirements in detail. This included sizing and optimizing utilities such as power, water, steam, and others, ensuring a seamless supply to support the plant’s enhanced production needs.

Elevating Tank Farm Capabilities:

The tank farm plays a pivotal role in agrochemical production. Thus, we were diligently evaluating its current capacity and proposing necessary upgrades. This strategic optimization of the tank farm layout ensured a smooth integration into the re-engineered plant, further boosting productivity.

By synergizing our expertise with the International Technology provider, and the on-site team, we were confident about our ability to deliver outstanding results. Plant throughput was increased 7% yield to proposed 80% yield. At TPES, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality, innovation, and sustainability, driving this agrochemical plant toward an exciting future.